The Row House Project
The Row House Project creates connections between home gardeners and their neighbors in need of fresh food.
The Row House Project is an initiative of the Little Flower’s Little Gardens club, based in the Little Flower
neighborhood on Indianapolis’ Near Eastside. Like every community, the Near Eastside faces issues of poverty and
hunger. As a way of addressing hunger among neighbors, the Row House Project was born. Its goal is to provide
hobby gardeners with the opportunity to donate produce to those in need.
We’ve partnered with community organizations including Westminster Neighborhood Services, which operates a food
pantry, and Village of Hope Church o distribute the food to our neighbors.
At the beginning of the season, participating gardeners are asked to commit to providing a portion of their yield – as
small as the produce from one plant to as much as they can give – to RHP. The project will provide each gardener
with two packets of organic/non-GMO seed or two starts to contribute to their garden.
As vegetables and fruits become available to harvest, collection and donation will begin. One designated group member
will serve as the donation lead for a two-week span, and will take the produce to our community partner for distribution.
To help recipients of the produce prepare it, gardeners are asked to contribute simple, 5-ingredient-or-fewer recipes that feature the produce they are donating (for example, a salsa recipe for tomatoes). Recipes should be simple, healthy and easy to prepare.